Optimal way to place bounds around a huge terrain map

I currently have a terrain map which is quite big and I’m aiming to detect when a player is near the edges of the map, is there a way to effectively achieve this? Region3 was an option, however region3s are performance heavy if they are huge (are they?)

Another option would be parts since I could use Part.Position.Magnitude, however multiple parts around the map could cause performance issues as well.

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Why can’t you just do barrier.Touched:Connect(function()) ?

The boundary need not be collidable, but as I’ve mentioned

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FYou can store Vector2s in an array which store the X&Z coordinates of each point of a polygon surrounding your map, then check if the characters humanoidRootPart is in the polygon.

You don’t need to check a lot. Only once every few seconds depending on how inset your polygon is from the border.