Orientation changed via script not working

Hello, I’m trying to change the orientation of this PART but it doesn’t do anything.

	char = plr.Character
	beam = game.ReplicatedStorage.TOOLS.Beam
	beam.Parent = game.Workspace
	beam.Orientation = Vector3.new(0,-90,0)---doesn't seem to be affecting the beam even with the numbers changed
	beam.Anchored = true
	beam.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,4,-8)


The beam is rendered from the beginning Beam.Attachment0 attachment to the Beam.Attachment1 property. You have to set both properties to valid attachments so it knows where’s it’s being rendered. There is no Orientation or CFrame property for beams.

When I said beam I mean’t a part that looks like a beam, forgot there were actual beams in studio, sorry for the confusion.

Here’s what it looks like in studio


is the part welded to anything? Cause sometimes having a welded part to another part that you are trying to rotate can affect this.

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The part is not welded to anything.

strange. Could you provide a place with this code in action? maybe its not even the code itself

Figured it out, the orientation was changing, but since I set it to change it’s CFrame a few lines down which holds rotational and positional value, it changed right back.