My intent is to have a camera that is always directly overhead, that still allows the player to rotate the camera left/right (which would then rotate the player left/right), and ALSO always have the player face forward, and essentially strafe sideways/backwards etc. I do NOT want the player to be able to move the camera up/down so the camera will always stay overhead. I’ve been scouring the forums trying bits of different codes to get my thought working, but perhaps it’s more difficult than I think it should be. Currently, I have the player movement down, and the left/right rotation, BUT I’m only able to keep the camera from moving up/down by modifying the CameraModule lines that limit the Max and Min Y to both be -80. If I go to anything above -80 the whole camera breaks as the comments in the camera module says it would. So this looks “ok” but it prevents it from being truly overhead at 90 degrees.
This is what I found to place in renderstepped that keeps the player facing the camera’s lookvector. I initially set the CFrame of the camera to be overhead at the 90 degree angle, but since the cameramodule clamps to -80, it goes away from the directly overhead look
local LookVector = Camera.CFrame.LookVector
HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(0,math.atan2(-LookVector.X,-LookVector.Z) ,0)
Is what I’m hoping for possible?