Paccheri Training Guide

Paccheri Training guide

Before you host a training please read:

You must claim a training on our Trello, you can find that in #Staff-Information on our Communications server.

Announcement Template:

Announce the session on the Group Page, and on our Communications server. You must use the following template for the specific platform.

Communications Server

@Training Ping, Your username is hosting a training session, come on down to the training center!


TRAINING | your username is hosting a session down at the training center, come on down to be trained!

Host Guide:

Step 1. Post an announcement regarding the session, please look above for directions.
Step 2. Wait for the session to commence, you must be in the game while waiting. Take this time answering questions & assisting those in need.
Step 3. Copy and paste the commands for your session, any thing that is in italics you do not say.

m We will now begin our session. PTS is an effect, if you speak out of permission you will be kicked.
m Hello! My name is your roblox username, I am your host for today! Before we begin I will need to go over a few rules so listen closely!
m 1. You must utilize grammar at all times during this training. Failure to do so will cause your trainer to issue a strike, and then leading to a failure of this session.
m 2. Do not fret if you fail, as you can try again next session.
m 3. Disrespect is not tolerated WHATSOEVER during a training session. You will be demoted or fired if you seem to be disrespecting anyone during the training.
m 4. Please always respect your trainers, and assistants because they all have taken the time out of their day to train you all.
m 5. You need 5 points in order to pass this session.
m 6. You will be able to have 3 strikes if you surpass these you will be kicked and must retry at another time. A strike example can include not using Grammar, Surpassing the time limit, and lack of detail.
m 7. If you happen to lose connection during this time please message your trainer on our communications server for us to unlock the server. You will only have 2 minutes to rejoin, and if not rejoined during that period you forfeit your ability to be trained this session.
m 8. If you pass this training you will be ranked to your next rank. Please make sure to join our communications server to ensure you are aware of current announcements that can help you in the future.
m 9. Failure to comply with these rules will result in an immediate removal from the session.
m 10. Lastly, remember to have fun, and don’t worry about passing or failing because you know if you try your best you have better chances of passing.
m Now, does anybody have any questions?
Answer any questions then follow the prompt
m Great! Let’s begin, Trainers. Please bring your Trainees to their station.

Once Trainers begin training, keep a look out for the users to be promoted.


Thank you for being a Trainer in this session, while the host is doing their briefing, please choose 5, a max of 6, trainees that you will be training. Keep track of who you picked. Once the briefing is completed you may teleport them to your station and complete the following guide. Anything that is in italics you do not say.

Hello, I’m your roblox username & I will be your Trainer today!
wait a few seconds
Now, before we begin. Does anybody have any questions?
answer any questions if asked
As the Host mentioned you will require 5 total points in order to pass today, that will be greeting, trolling test, and you creating 3 items with my assistance.
wait a few seconds
Let’s begin the greeting portion of this training, as staff here at Paccheri you’re required to have a proper greeting at ALL times.
wait a few seconds
Here is an example of a proper greeting, "Hello, Welcome to Paccheri’s. My name is ROBLOX, what can I get for you on this awesome day?
wait a few seconds
Do you have any questions?
answer any questions asked
Okay, when I come up to you I’d like for you to post your greeting. If there is anything wrong I will correct you, or I’ll give you some tips.
go around asking for their intro, if it’s good let them know. If not give NICE tips, or corrections. Do NOT be rude.
Awesome, let’s continue onto the next portion of our training. Trolling.
wait a few seconds
Trolling is not tolerated her at Paccheri. All trollers must be treated the same, even if they’re your friends.
Wait a few seconds
To warn a player say this, “Warning 1 | REASON”. Understood?
Wait a few seconds
These are some reasons that you may need to warn someone, caps abuse, rude towards staff, glitching, etc.
wait a few seconds
In some cases we do not warn, we jump straight to kicking or banning. Those could be situations where a hacker is in-game and you’d need to contact an HR ASAP.
wait a few seconds
When a user has reached max warnings, which are 3. You need to contact an HR. You can do so by contact them on our communications server.
Wait a few seconds
Let’s move onto our test of this section! Due to us being on a training server, please say “Contacting HR” when I have reached max warnings. Before we begin, does anybody have any questions?
answer any questions as needed, then go up to each user and begin trolling. Once they finish give them tips or corrections and do not give point
Awesome, let’s move on to the last part of our test… the FOOD test!
Bring users over to the kitchen side of the training center
In here I want everyone of you to create me an item, at first you will do it alone. Then, I will assist you if I notice you’re struggling. Each item is worth ONE point. Use the hand-to button on the left side of your screen to give me the item.
then ask for an item, have them bring it to you. if it’s incorrect help them remake it the CORRECT way
*Kick the users with insufficient points with the reason “You have FAILED this training session, please join the next one when it’s hosted” *
Congratulations! You have passed, please wait to be ranekd!
name them “PASSED” and FF them, then send them to the host.

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