Paid Access button overlapping with the "This game may not function as intended" message

So I recently noticed that when I went onto a webpage for a game that had paid access and hadn’t been updated for Filtering Enabled, part of the “This game may not function as intended etc.” message was hidden behind the Paid Access button. I’ve refreshed the web page several times and this overlapping always occurs on my browser.

I believe the bug is caused by the title of the game being large enough to push the message under the button, however I’m not sure if it’s just because it’s a Paid Access button or if it would apply to a normal play button as well. When I zoom in and zoom out on the web page the paid access button still overlaps with the message.

The bug occurs on PC, with my OS being Windows 10 and my version of Google Chrome is Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit). It occurs on the main ROBLOX website, and the web page in particular that causes the bug (at least on my end), however I’m not sure if it would apply to other Paid Access games that aren’t updated for Filtering Enabled. The bug should be able to be viewed by visiting this web page.

Screenshot of the bug on my browser:

UPDATE: It seems that the bug doesn’t occur if you’re logged out of ROBLOX due to the RS$1000 button being replaced by a smaller Play button.