I want to fix my issue with a part disappearing after I click Play.
The part keeps disappearing from the explorer when I press play, no script is removing it and idk whats going on.
I tried looking in my scripts, seems clear.
Looked everywhere, nothing.
My game is basically have a chip bag and you have an option to put it in the oven. if you do then it will burn up the whole entire house.
however when I copy the tool into workspace, grab the handle and put it on the oven, it looks fine in studio but it disappears when you press start.
local plr = player
if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Lays") and plr.Character["Lays"]:IsA("Tool") then
-- plr.Character.Lays:Destroy()
script.tams.Position = Vector3.new(322.185, 16.954, 180.801)
game.ReplicatedStorage.on.Value = true