Parts positioned weirdly after saving

(I can’t post into #platform-feedback:studio-bugs because I’m a member.)

Basically, I made a working train 1 or 2 days ago and I saved the train model.

When I came back today, the train is destroyed (oh no):


The train model is made of parts, unions (unions used for glasses) and weld constriants.

Why this issue happened?


Did you use a WeldScript, and were the Parts & Unions Anchored before you used it?

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No I didn’t used any WeldScripts. And I didn’t anchored parts & unions.

I took these pictures in edit mode.

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How did you attach all of the Parts?

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I used new weld constriants. (not confused with legacy weld joint.)


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When you move the train, do all the Parts move with it, or are some attached to each other, but not the train chassis?
Also, where are the Attachments in your highlighted Part?

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Sadly, I cant move the train because of this:

(also some of these parts in their position in play test mode, weird.)

And the highlighted part connects into these parts (parts with green highlight):

And here is the whole train’s welds (sorry for mess):

Green Welds are active, between 2 Unanchored Parts.
Grey Welds are inactive, between 1 or more Anchored Parts.
If you mouse over the Weld you can click the Alt key to get more information from the connection.
You may want to see what’s up with that.

I usually have one large Part as the ‘base’ for my vehicles, and Weld each of the other Parts to it so I don’t double weld Parts together. I select the base Part first, click the Weld Constraint tool in the top toolbar, then select the other Part I want welded. This way I don’t get the doubled up welds you appear to have.

Looks like other people are having issues with Welds as well since the latest update:

Thanks for your help @Scottifly, but this bug is fixed right now.


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