Pass Code Not Working

it’s all in this script . there is only one script .

Try this to determine the problem and tell me the output:

local Door1 = script.Parent.DoorPart1
local Door2 = script.Parent.DoorPart2

local TweenService = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
local Info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0)

local DoorOpenPosition1 = script.Parent.OpenPosition1
local DoorOpenPosition2 = script.Parent.OpenPosition2

local DoorClosePosition1 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition1
local DoorClosePosition2 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition2

local DoorOpenTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition1.CFrame})
local DoorOpenTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition2.CFrame})

local DoorCloseTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition1.CFrame})
local DoorCloseTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition2.CFrame})

local Input = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.InputtedCode
local Button = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.ButtonsBG

local Code = game.ReplicatedStorage.MainGameComponents.Values.Password.Value
local CurrentCode = “”

Input.Text = CurrentCode

for i, button in pairs(Button:GetChildren()) do


	if tonumber(button.Name) then

		CurrentCode = CurrentCode .. button.Name
		Input.Text = CurrentCode

	elseif button.Name == "Reset" then

		CurrentCode = ""
		Input.Text = CurrentCode

	elseif button.Name == "Enter" then

		if CurrentCode == Code then

			CurrentCode = ""

			Input.Text = "Success"


			CurrentCode = ""
			Input.Text = "Incorrect code"


–Old Scripts


this is the whole script

local Door1 = script.Parent.DoorPart1
local Door2 = script.Parent.DoorPart2

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0)

local DoorOpenPosition1 = script.Parent.OpenPosition1
local DoorOpenPosition2 = script.Parent.OpenPosition2

local DoorClosePosition1 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition1
local DoorClosePosition2 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition2

local DoorOpenTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition1.CFrame})
local DoorOpenTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition2.CFrame})

local DoorCloseTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition1.CFrame})
local DoorCloseTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition2.CFrame})

local Input = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.InputtedCode
local Button = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.ButtonsBG

local Code = game.ReplicatedStorage.MainGameComponents.Values.Password.Value
local CurrentCode = ""

Input.Text = CurrentCode

for i, button in pairs(Button:GetChildren()) do


		if tonumber(button.Name) then

			CurrentCode = CurrentCode .. button.Name
			Input.Text = CurrentCode

		elseif button.Name == "Reset" then

			CurrentCode = ""
			Input.Text = CurrentCode

		elseif button.Name == "Enter" then

			if CurrentCode == Code then

				CurrentCode = ""

				Input.Text = "Success"


				CurrentCode = ""
				Input.Text = "Incorrect code"

Try this and tell me what output did you get:

local Door1 = script.Parent.DoorPart1
local Door2 = script.Parent.DoorPart2

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0)

local DoorOpenPosition1 = script.Parent.OpenPosition1
local DoorOpenPosition2 = script.Parent.OpenPosition2

local DoorClosePosition1 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition1
local DoorClosePosition2 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition2

local DoorOpenTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition1.CFrame})
local DoorOpenTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition2.CFrame})

local DoorCloseTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition1.CFrame})
local DoorCloseTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition2.CFrame})

local Input = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.InputtedCode
local Button = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.ButtonsBG

local Code = game.ReplicatedStorage.MainGameComponents.Values.Password.Value
local CurrentCode = ""

Input.Text = CurrentCode

for i, button in pairs(Button:GetChildren()) do


		if tonumber(button.Name) then

			CurrentCode = CurrentCode .. button.Name
			Input.Text = CurrentCode

		elseif button.Name == "Reset" then

			CurrentCode = ""
			Input.Text = CurrentCode

		elseif button.Name == "Enter" then

			if CurrentCode == Code then

				CurrentCode = ""

				Input.Text = "Success"


				CurrentCode = ""
				Input.Text = "Incorrect code"

i press reset once when testing this

Ok so is it working now? Because the variable CurrentCode is changing correctly

i haven’t press enter yet lol , i only screenshot the output . im gonna test later

Wait a second this is the correct one:

local DoorClosePosition1 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition1
local DoorClosePosition2 = script.Parent.ClosedPosition2

local DoorOpenTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition1.CFrame})
local DoorOpenTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info,{CFrame = DoorOpenPosition2.CFrame})

local DoorCloseTween1 = TweenService:Create(Door1, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition1.CFrame})
local DoorCloseTween2 = TweenService:Create(Door2, Info, {CFrame = DoorClosePosition2.CFrame})

local Input = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.InputtedCode
local Button = script.Parent.KeypadBase.KeypadGui.ButtonsBG

local Code = game.ReplicatedStorage.MainGameComponents.Values.Password.Value
local CurrentCode = ""

Input.Text = CurrentCode

for i, button in pairs(Button:GetChildren()) do


		if tonumber(button.Name) then

			CurrentCode = CurrentCode .. button.Name
			Input.Text = CurrentCode

		elseif button.Name == "Reset" then

			CurrentCode = ""
			Input.Text = CurrentCode

		elseif button.Name == "Enter" then

			if tostring(CurrentCode) == tostring(Code) then

				CurrentCode = ""

				Input.Text = "Success"


				CurrentCode = ""
				Input.Text = "Incorrect code"

Please test it now. Copy and paste this into your script. If it worked it would be helpful if you would set this as solution. :slight_smile:

it’s still not working , i’m now thinking one problem . Does “local” update variable?

Yes. If you define a variable again, the previous variable will be overwritten

Can you just say what’s not working? Is it like you typed the correct code and then it says incorrect code?

yes , i type in a correct code and it says incorrect code

Are you sure game.ReplicatedStorage.MainGameComponents.Values.Password.Value is assigned your correct code?

Yes , now i’m thinking something .

local CurrentCode = "" -- What is this lead to ? to it's name property ? to it's text ? or a value property ?

local Code = game.ReplicatedStorage.MainGameComponents.Values.Password.Value -- We know this is definitely a value property

Current code you assigned it a variable. It is an empty string. Can you just send me the game link and turn on copy so I can see what’s the problem? THis is getting too complicated even it’s just a simple problem tbh :slight_smile:

i’m sorry , i can’t make my game editable to everyone . I was thinking another solution , maybe i can add another number value and add it to CurrentCode

Listen, go to game settings, and click on allow copying. It will not allow other players to EDIT it, but other layers can see the code and know what is wrong. But they can never change it because you only allowed copying, not editing. No offense but I’m just trying to be clear :slight_smile:

What exactly is the problem?

Is it that you don’t know how to generate a random code? Or that the script does not read the code to be correct even if it is?

that’s not what i mean , i meant i dont want my game to be copied . I want a original game .

i know how to generate a random code , the problem is the code doesnt match the password even if it’s correct code . see my scripts up there