Passing table through client-server-client

I am attempting to create an inventory system where the client receiving a new item(at the moment a button click to simulate it) fires to the server, the server then checks for the item inside of a module script and then if the item exists the script will invoke a remote function which would update the inventory.

At the moment it doesn’t update the inventory as I’m setting up the basic framework of client-server relations. I’ve ran into an issue - the table won’t be passed through when I invoke the remote function to the client. For a more practical view, here’s the scripts:

The button - a local script that simulates an item being given to the player

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local InventoryRemote = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("InventoryRemote")
	print("Firing remote event")
	local Item = {
		Name = "TestItem",
		Strength = 10,
		Worth = 200

The Server - accesses the module script, invokes the function to the client and so on

local ServerScriptService = game:WaitForChild("ServerScriptService")
local req = require(ServerScriptService.PlayerData)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local InventoryFunction ="RemoteFunction")
InventoryFunction.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
InventoryFunction.Name = "InventoryFunction"

local InventoryRemote ="RemoteEvent")
InventoryRemote.Name = "InventoryRemote"
InventoryRemote.Parent = ReplicatedStorage

local function PrintItems(player, item)
	if req.Items[item.Name]  then
		local Item = req.Items[item.Name]
		print("ITEM EXISTS!")
		InventoryFunction:InvokeClient(player, Item)
		print("Item does NOT exist")
	print("Fired server event thanks to", player.Name)



The local script, this will update the inventory whenever it’s invoked from the server

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local UpdateInventory = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("InventoryFunction")
local Inventory = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Inventory")

local function InvokeInventory(player, testInventory)

UpdateInventory.OnClientInvoke = InvokeInventory

The player argument for the remote function at the moment will return nil, if you know of this please don’t deviate by trying to help me with it. I’m not focused on that right now.

Ok from the test run what gets printed out?

You are referring to this, right?

The server doesn’t send a player argument. Your client can only be invoked from the server directly. You can just go ahead and remove it:

local function InvokeInventory(testInventory)

Off topic notes

This if statement will error if item turns out to be anything other than a table. Be careful cause exploiters could break the game by firing events/functions with arguments you don’t expect.

Invoking a client using a remote function is a bad idea because it could break your game. The wiki shows a warning on this at the top of the remote function page: