Pet Falling Bug

I’m trying to make a pet system in which players can obtain pets and equip them.

The Problem
The problem is that whenever the pets are equipped (using BodyPosition + BodyGyro), they sometimes fall on other player’s screens. I cannot figure out the problem as all parts inside the pet are unanchored, correctly welded and welded to other unanchored parts, non-cancollide, and are updated on Heartbeat. The network owner of the PrimaryPart is set to the player, so I control the pets on the client.

Some things I have attempted to solve this issue is:

  • rewelding the pet
  • toggling massless/non-massless to see if that affects the movement
  • rewriting my script

Here is a screenshot of the PrimaryPart’s properties:

A video of my problem:

If anyone can contribute to solving this issue, please comment.
Thanks, Enclamatic.


Where are your BodyGyro and BodyPosition patented to? Could you show me a heirachy of the model during play test mode to that welds are correctly welded and the body forces are still parented? Also when WeldConstraints might be an issue, go to Model > Show Welds to view the welds.

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Both the BodyGyro and the BodyPosition are parented to the PrimaryPart of the pet.

Hierarchy of the model:

When I enable Show Welds, the welds are correctly set and everything is connected together.

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Are your forces strong enough?

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Hello, I guess you need to set BodyGyro’s MaxTorque to higher values and do the same thing with BodyPosition’s MaxForce.

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Both the MaxTorque and MaxForce are set to math.huge

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How would I determine that? Please explain :slight_smile:

We asked the same question.
Try to use weld script, I think that would help.
I hate WeldConstraints, you can’t predict them.

I have tried using ManualWelds and WeldConstraints, however both do not solve the issue.

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Is it possible to show us your script?

Or maybe the part when it comes to asign position and rotation

I use a framework known as AeroGameFramework. Here is when the script assigns the force values and here is when it updates the pet (on heartbeat)

Assigning force values:

function CharacterPets:Initialize()
	self._bodyPosition ="BodyPosition")
	self._bodyPosition.Parent = self._primaryPart
	self._bodyPosition.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
	self._bodyPosition.D = 750
	self._bodyPosition.P = 25000

	self._bodyGyro ="BodyGyro")
	self._bodyGyro.Parent = self._primaryPart
	self._bodyGyro.MaxTorque =, math.huge, math.huge)
	self._bodyGyro.D = 600
	self._bodyGyro.P = 13000

Update on heartbeat:

function CharacterPets:_update()
	local root = self._character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	local humanoid = self._character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if (root and humanoid) then
		local regularOffset = self._walk and, -humanoid.HipHeight / 1.5, 0) or, 0, 0)
		local bodyPos = (root.Position + self._offset) + regularOffset
		self._bodyPosition.Position = bodyPos
		if (humanoid.MoveDirection ==, 0, 0)) then
			self._bodyGyro.CFrame =, root.Position)
			local animationOffset = self._walk and, math.sin(tick() * 15), 0) or, 0, 0)
			local rotationOffset = self._walk and CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(math.sin(tick() * 5) * 15)) or, 0, 0)
			self._bodyPosition.Position = bodyPos + animationOffset
			self._bodyGyro.CFrame =, self._primaryPart.Position + root.CFrame.lookVector) * rotationOffset
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Not sure, but you have -Humanoid.HipHeight/1.5 in regularOffset, maybe that breaks it?

Also, math.sin(tick() * 15) can break it, since sinus can be negative.

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So basically, self._walk is a variable I assign to each pet class to determine whether or not the pet “walks”. regularOffset offsets the pet on the ground so the pets that walk will walk on the ground, so I’m not sure how that breaks it because it happens to pets that fly too (each pet).

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I use math.sin(tick() * 15) to make a wobble effect on the walking pets, so it should purposely go negative so the wobbling effect can go back and forth.

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I can’t give any goos ideas, I am sleepy. I hope you will find answer before I get back.

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That’s fine, thank you for helping!!

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