PhotoRealistic V.L - Realistic Room

Hello Yall, before I get into the post. this uses no external software ( except for the floor), & does not use PBR It mostly relies on reflections to make it work. I won’t release the game any time soon until I really feel comfortable doing so although here’s some images & a gif.

Generally what do you think of It? (1)

Game Link if you wish to look at the page ( It’s private reason is above as I already stated.)


Really cool!

You should check out tutorials on PBR, it’ll make this build 100 times better!

But, still incredible as is!


I know how to use PBR, My plan wasn’t to use PBR on this as photorealistic games on roblox mostly rely on reflections and surface appearance would have no use here except for the floor which I prefer using my current texture rather than PBR. Although I appreciate it.

Ok, Fair enough.

Again, great work!

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The models, room and lighting all look great. The floor looks like its wet, but I guess that is all part of showcasing the reflection. Great job

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Can we get a tutorial? haha
It looks great!


I appreciate the support for this, I will most likely release the game then. :slight_smile:

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Update: Made the floor a little more realistic. & added some other things & changed the time of day. & added Depth of Field

Updated The Images: Didn’t like how the sun was reflecting.


This looks really realistic, In addition you did a great job of making the suns-rays reflect onto the wooden floor giving the floor a realistic lighting. The one thing I see you can do for improvement is maybe making it a bit brighter and maybe put a little more lighting on the left side of the room. But with all that being said overall this looks fantastic​:smile: Keep up the great work! :hammer_and_wrench:

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I’ve changed the time to 12, would this be better?

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I think the wall on the right needs to be a bit dimmer, other than that I think it looks great!

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I think to spiff it up a bit more you could also make the sun rays more visible coming through the windows (sun ray effect)

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I like the update, the floor was weird before.

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This is gonna look amazing once Future is Bright phase 3 drops! Good work!

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Small Update: ( I’m trying to keep the main post short, so that’s why i’m making these replies.

Update Log:

Made floor lighter, more realistic.
Added Depth Of Field
Changed Skybox.
Changed time of day.


Looks even better!


I also experimented with FIB3, these are the results,


Haha, I love how realistic everything is, and then you see the unrealistic roblox avatar. It doesn’t look like it belongs there.


Once mesh deformation is out that won’t be a problem LOL

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So nice, especially the casted reflections.

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