Players cant use UserEmotes even though its Enabled

So you know Roblox has custom emotes and such and you can use them in-game. I want my players to be able to use the emotes that they’ve bought in the catalog.

What’s wrong is that even though UserEmotesEnabled is set to true, when trying to use a user emote in chat it pops up with the “You can’t use that Emote here” message. Nor does the emote wheel pop up or can be popped up.

I couldn’t find any other topic about this specific problem, I’ve seen how to disable emotes and such, but not how to enable them. They should be enabled in my game though since I never disabled them.

The only thing that I could see being a problem is that I’m using a custom starter character. Though all /e dance, cheer, laugh, etc. emotes still work properly. Am I missing something key?

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In my own experience the “You can’t use that Emote here” message usually only pops up if there is something wrong with the character for example when it’s missing the HumanoidRootPart.

I am sure that your custom character is interfering in some way.
Could you explain how your custom starter character is different from the default?

My Custom Startercharacter is basically a normal R15 model with a HumanoidRootPart, Arms, Legs, Humanoid, all that good stuff. I just have those parts transparent and have meshes and parts welded to the body, all the movement and ability for it works fine afaik. So It’s not that different from a regular r15 body because that is what it basically is. I hope that explained it well.

Have you tried turning off the character modifications and then use the emotes?
Because if your character won’t play the emotes without the character modifications/added parts then the problem lies elsewhere.

I have just tried that, and the character modifications are not interfering with it.

Do you have anything else going on at your place other than the modifications?

I realized it could’ve been a script I’m using to have everyone’s animations to be Rthro, but I disabled the script, which makes the wheel be able to pop up, but still says “Emotes are disabled in this game”

I have a zoned music script, a script to give people items for gamepasses, a script that tracks how many people have jumped in the server, but nothing else really major that could possibly affect the situation.

A tactic to find hidden problems is to isolate them.
Create a new empty place where emotes are enabled, make sure that you can play emotes there.
Then copy your creations one by one and test if you can play emotes in between.

At some point you would expect to add something and the emotes would stop working. It is then that you know what causes the problem.