I recently released my game into beta called Astray and there is a huge issue where when people spawn in they fall through the map. This is very detrimental to the player because of them losing their inventory on death. To clarify they are falling through terrain. I am thinking of firing raycasts on the client to check whether or not terrain has loaded in. Though I am questioning if the raycast will hit even if the player can fall through it.
If you’re going to use raycasts to check and see if the terrain has loaded in, you could make a spawnbox where players spawn in by default. Then once the terrain has finished loading in, retrieve their data on position and inventory and then set their CFrame to the loaded position.
I already have a spawnbox and is raycasts the best method to check if its loaded?
Do you use streamingenabled? If you do, you can change the gameplaypaused setting. You can also use a remote event to tell a client to create a part under where they’re supposed to spawn at so that they don’t fall through.
Oh thanks, yes I do use streamingenabled. I’ll try out your solution and it hopefully should work.
It probably won’t work because I had the same issue when my Spawnpoints were positioned slightly under the map.