[Please Reply with Feedback] Feedback on my Plugin - Studio Helper (7 Features)

So the past a few weeks I’ve been working on my new Plugin 'Studio Helper, I would love to hear your feedback.

What is it?

Studio helper is basically lots of plugins in once.

How many features

It currently has 7 features.
(Ignore the Command bar one)

Pictures of UI


Studio helper currently has.

  • Cutscene Creator
  • UI Tools
  • Custom Avators
  • Custom Objects
  • Collapse
  • Expand
  • Find Object Path

Cutscene Creator

Cutscene creator creates Cutscene with in-depth settings (animation (Enum Style), Direction, Duration).

Picture of Settings

UI Tools

Next up is UI Tools, It currently has Offset, Scaling, Extra features.
(I plan on adding more, If you have any feedback/suggestion I’ll definitely add it)

Custom Avators

for the Custom avators one it’s kinda special you can become any animal in studio.

Custom Objects

Custom objects is basically a toolbox with more Mesh objects (I plan on adding more ofcourse).

Collapse & Expand

Collapse basically closes the folder every child in the Selected Object


Expand is the opposite of collapse.

Find Object Path

Lastly, “Find Object Path”, It’s very useful for programmers incase you have a very long path of objects and It’d take long to write it All you have to do is press this Button
and it will generate the Path find code.


Thank you so much for reading this I appreciate it that you took your time to read this.

What do you think of this Plugin? Would you use it?

  • Good
  • Bad

0 voters

replying with feedback is appreciated…

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imagine not getting early access :wink:

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I’m curious: How do you design the UI for the widget? Do you code it in? If so, do you have to constantly download the plugin to see your changes? The UI looks amazing

You can always use a GUI. Think of a plugin widget as a frame, I can design the layout inside a frame. Then the only thing the script needs to do is move the contents of that Frame to the Widget. Essentially this means you can make it visually and just move the contents inside using a script.

That’s so smart! Thank you so much for the idea!

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Hi! It’s very simple to do so you’ll have to make your Main frame size 1,0,1,0 and Design your UI with the Scale property and then Parent it to a Widget.

I’m a bit confused; Some of the plugin icons look different than the rest. Did you create them all? If so, you should keep a consistent style with them.

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Yes, I did create all of them except the UI Tools one, They are different to understand what do they mean when your eyes see them, for example If I look at the Custom Objects one your eyes will instantly knows they are related to blocks instead of looking at the name.