Plugin causes Roblox Studio to freeze upon loading a game

Hello. My username is 4EHE and on this account I can no longer edit any games on this account

Recently, I made a plugin called ‘0’ which is just a script that changes the ClockTime property of lighting (to make a day / night script that works when not in test mode)
I made it with a while true do loop, but did not put a wait() into it. This causes the game to freeze and eventually crash within about 1 second of the game loading, also preventing me from being able to uninstall the plugin from the manage plugins page. I have tried editing the actual Roblox Studio files to get rid of it, but to no avail. I can delete ‘0’ from all related folders within Roblox Studio, and it still appears. I find it odd that plugin scripts do not have the same protections as normal scripts, which would just time out and need to be reloaded
Is there a way to be able to remove a plugin without having it loaded? That is the only way to fix this.
Please help, all advice needed!
Here is a video of what happens when I try to load a game:

You can’t see it but the window becomes completely unresponsive and I will eventually get a “An unexpected error has occured and Roblox needs to quit” message box.

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You might want to remove the plugin from ur inventory and reinstall studio. If that does not work, I think there is an option the the studio settings to completely reset.

I have tried doing everything you mentioned, and to no avail :frowning:
Probably because plugins are linked to your account, not to your Roblox Studio app itself

Assuming you’re using a published plugin, on the Roblox Studio main page, you can go to File (top-left corner) > Advanced > Manage Plugins to uninstall or disable any published plugins you are using.

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Oh thanks!
Never even noticed the file button on top before you load a place… You just saved 6+ years of work, so thank you…
*facepalm I bet I would never have noticed that if it weren’t for you!

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