Plugin thumbnails are not being uploaded or displayed as a preview

Whenever you try to upload an image as thumbnail for a plugin the image doesn’t pop up as preview nor does Roblox notify you if it got uploaded correctly.
there’s absolutely no response from whenever it’s been successful or not, it stays the same default image.

I would’ve expected either a notification that the image got uploaded correctly and is in review or the preview popping up.

This bug happens 100% of the time and goes as following:

  1. Edit/Create a plugin
  2. Press the: “Select an image from your computer” button
  3. choose the file (doesn’t matter if it’s supported png/jpg and 150x150 or bigger. tried all of it)
  4. Press open.

I came across this a couple days ago when i tried to adjust the image for my plugin: Void's Easy-Scripter Plugin - Roblox

This bug started occurring (as far as I’m aware) 1 or 2 days ago.

I have tested it on Firefox 69.0.3 (64-bit).

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