Portafolio 2020-2021 [Español]

Hello! I am a programmer with 6 years of experience, I specialize in databases and abstract data manipulation. I have a lot of experience working with technologies such as

  1. Fusion
  2. Rojo
  3. Knit
  4. My own technology; fully secure, functional and malleable databases.

I would like to participate in a project where I can learn beyond my current limits.


Apr 2022 - Present
Right now I’m working on this project, it’s a jukebox to listen to music with other players. I made an audio visualizer, explored the limits of Fusion and now I’m working on the database to create a new music player.

Dragon Ball Revenge
Fully Programmer
Dec 2021 - May 2022
This is where I have most recently been working, in this game I ended up developing a stable enough database that I started programming from kitty.
Dragon Ball Revenge

Long Term Scripter
Feb 2020 - Apr 2021
I was in charge of programming updates such as: new maps, creating new systems such as pets, improving existing interfaces such as the map selection menu, I created a new and quite robust database, which I still use and improve in my new projects.


¡¡Enorme amigo!! :grinning: :pray: :sparkling_heart: