Portfolio (Animation) [OPEN? idk]

0823 (1)

Hello I like animating, I’ve been animating for more than 3 years. I animate in R6 (I WILL NOT animate in R15 maybe?) I use MoonAnimator2, I cant use Blender for the life of me.
I haven’t worked on any big projects yet. (Mid-sized projects id say)

You can find most of my work on my Youtube.
Though most of them arent my best works, feel free to ask for some better examples!

Random Examples

I am available for 6 to 8 hours of work on the weekends. You can contact me any time I’ll probably respond, but I am unable to work during the week due to school.

Prices can range from the length or quality of the animation. (Per animation)

(Simple) weapon swing animation will cost around 15Rbx.

Walk cycle 50Rbx.

The more complicated or longer the animation is it’ll cost more to put it shortly.

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord frendo_0

NOTE: If you want to contact me on Discord then please comment on this post because I usually don’t accept random friend requests

Nice animations! I’m broke so I can’t rlly hire anyone.

might have to lower prices.
Js realized that 25Rbx for a swing anim is a bit much.

No no, 25 rbx for a swing anim is cheap. I’m just broke. I am considering hiring you though.

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Hello, are you available i would to hire you, could you contact me on discord: my name on discord is luzani.

I might not be as free to do work this week since my schedule is a bit cramped but I might be more active next week. I’ll add you so we can discuss whatever’s needed