Post was redone by the author

Post was redone by the author, go to: || Open modeling commissions || My Portfolio || Thank you and I’m sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey, did you make those bullets? I found something like them.

Yes, I did it.
Maybe you have seen on my twitter, I always put my things there.

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I think that I’ve seen someone posting those in Hidden Devs a few times. Not sure if it was you though :thinking:

Are you talking about the bullet or something else??

All the models in my portfolio were made by me, and, all of them I made as commission, that is, they are sold but they were made by me.

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Your style changes throughout. Can you maybe rank these in date order from old to recent?
Furthermore, the potions and the Thompson gun, Look familiar almost like I saw them on twitter under the #robloxdev hashtag.

Yes, I always put my work on my twitter.
yes I will organize the works in order (Oldest to most recent)