Prevent animation "sliding" back to default pose

I have made a “vaulting through windows” system similar to the game Dead by Daylight, but my one issue is the fact that Roblox animations, by default, when they’re completed, they “slide” or “tween” back to the original animation. I would like the animation to instantly be completed so that when I teleport the player’s HumanoidRootPart to the other side of the window, it doesn’t look as if their player actually teleported.


This may be the wrong answer but trying to help anyways. Did your animator animate the torso moving from the center of where the rig started?

Whenever I work with clients they have me animate the character in place to avoid this specific problem. For example if my character were to do a backflip and land somewhere behind him. I would animate the backflip movement but not actually move the character any direction going back, left, right, or any of that expect upwards. Any movement of the character moving from the Humanoid root part or the center of where they started would be scripted. I assume it’s the same in this case as well.

Hope this helps :handshake:

I am the animator! I teleported the HumanoidRootPart to where I animated the actual rig going through the window, yes. There’s an origin point that I teleport the player to. The rig teleports to the beginning part, in front of the window before the player enters, and then when the animation completes, it teleports the HumanoidRootPart to the other side.

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I can’t really see your issue here, the camera makes it unable to see, you really need to make some sort of tween there.

  1. You can end the animation with constant easing, however, Im not sure if this is going to work.
  2. make the animation in the same spot it would startin game meaning you can precisely pinpoint where it starts and ends.
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As @AySplash asked, does the character actually move forward in the animation? If you aren’t sure what we mean, please show us a recording of your animation from within the editor.

The character’s directional movement (WASD/up/down) is best handled by script, but if you would prefer to animate the movement using the editor then you will need to use a constant easing style at the end of your animation as @PlayerTrillion mentioned, as well as, teleport the character the moment the animation ends.

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