Prime7 - add arguments to :Wait()

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You can already do this:

local msg, recipient = plr.Chatted:Wait()

There is no need for this module.




You can do that as well.

local part = workspace.Part

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but it could get changed directly and wouldnt get the old value

The module just uses these two events and is just a wrapper around them. I see no point in this module, it also doesn’t get the old value, and to get the old value we can make a simple variable outside the event no need for an entire module for it.

local baseplate = workspace.Baseplate

local _, newName = baseplate:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Name"):Wait(), baseplate.Name

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What exactly is a summary of this? What do you mean by “add arguments”?

For example you can do

prop:Connect(function(arg) – there’s arg

So it basically adds that “arg” to :Wait().

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:Wait() returns the arg, right?

Yes, that’s why I made it local

Did it not work locally before?

It just does this, small explanation

local arg = prime module:WaitForProperty(pathtopart,“property”)

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I did read, what’s wrong with it

Why do you expect a 10-line script to meet the criteria?

Facepalm .

I’ll delete this and make something ACTUALLY useful next time

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