Privacy option against 'friend request bots' and other

Currently on the website there’s many bots lurking about that can excessively fill the friend requests tab. This is disturbing and I thought this may solve it:

Allowing everyone to pick who can send friend requests to them would improve privacy in multiple ways:

  1. Bots can’t reach you when you don’t allow them to. :smirk:
  2. Children’s guardians or the children themselves can protect them from users with bad intentions easier this way; (e.g scambots and evil people)
  3. Famous developers won’t have to skim through a massive amount of lists with friend requests because when they set it to ‘Users I Follow’ only these can send requests which makes looking for friends a lot more precise.
    Not many developers accept random friend requests anyway, so it’s only better. :smiley:

What do you think?


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