Pro-Dialogue v2 || Improvise and make your dialogues with ease

Pro-Dialogue Module:

Tool that shortens your common work of creating dialog frames and scripts, modify the speed, design and delay in one single call.

Currently the module has a lot of checks to make the experience of use more dev-friendly.

Module API:

Main Properties:

Property Usage Class
Body Dialogue table: via strings table
chatChoice Response strings to the final message of Body table
typeSpeed Letter movement speed number
BetweenChat Delay between dialog blocks number
canSkip Player power to skip dialogues with a click boolean
AllowMovement Player power to move in dialogue boolean

Constructor Properties:

Property Usage Class
Completed Launched at the end of the dialogue // returns: response RBXScriptSignal
IsActive Tells if the sistem is not paused boolean


[ • ] Player, configuration: DialogueConfig)

Constructor that allows access to the module functions, in addition to modifying its properties, DialogueConfig is a type on its own., {
	Body = {
	typeSpeed = 0.08,
	BetweenChat = 0.9,
	canSkip = false,
	AllowMovement = false,

This way the dialogue will end at the last message.

If for example the last chat is a question and you want to answer it. You can add the variable ‘chatChoice’ and add the answers to it

chatChoice = {"Response1", "Response2"} -- maximum: 3

returns system


[ • ] system:Begin(actor: string, imageIcon: string)

actor: The system title, will be renamed as the speaker name
imageIcon (optional): Image representing the speaker (its a string so player headshots can be added)

Basic chat

local ProDialogue = require(script.Parent)

	local system =, {
		Body = {
			"nice to meet you"
	system._Completed.Event:Wait() -- system doesn't yield so this is important

.Response chat

local ProDialogue = require(script.Parent)

	local system =, {
		Body = {
			"how are you?"
		chatChoice = {"fine", "not so good"}
		if val == "fine" then
			print("player chose the first option")


[ • ] system:Pause(timer: number)

timer (optional): Time to reverse the chat state
Sets ‘system._IsActive’ to false. Pauses the current chat

[ • ] system:Resume()

Sets ‘system._IsActive’ to true. Resumes the current chat

Testing Video:


Getting the Pro-Dialogue module:

Thanks for reading, remember that I will listen to all the suggestions given by the community
The module is fully accessible here:


edited reply
Edited this entire topic so I don’t have to create a new one.

This is the last update of Pro-Dialogue, so thanks to those who downloaded the module so far. Most likely everything requested by DM has been added.

previously, a post about updates


Thank you so much! My Dialogue is abit of a Trash version…