Problem to fix this Tweening problem on HealthChanged

Hey i just designed a health bar (round) bc the UiCorner thing from Roblox kinda sucks if you tween it.
(watch the video)

External Media

so in the video you see how it currently works and how the script is, but i want that “Bar” to goes in the bottom if the health is getting lower from the max. so i basicly want that thing but upside down.

thats the script

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local hum
if character then
    hum = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local clippingframe = script.Parent.Frame
local healthbartop = clippingframe.healthbar
local sizeratio = script.Parent.UIAspectRatioConstraint
    local healthratio = hum.Health / hum.MaxHealth
    clippingframe:TweenSize(, clippingframe.Size.X.Offset, healthratio, clippingframe.Size.Y.Offset), "Out", "Linear", 0.1)
    healthbartop:TweenSize(, healthbartop.Size.X.Offset, (healthratio > 0 and 1 / healthratio) or 0, healthbartop.Size.Y.Offset), "Out", "Linear", 0.1)

so if the Health is lower then MaxHealth then i want the bar to goes down but if the Health is getting regenerated i want it to goes up (with clipping)

thats btw how the gui currently looks in the Explorer

The “Frame” is the clipping frame
and the Healthbar is the “Image” i want to clip that it looks clean

I would probably add another TweenPosition to move the clippingframe down so its bottom is touching the lower edge of the healthholder. So this is probably what I’ll do:

clippingframe:TweenPosition(, clippingframe.Position.X.Offset, 1 - healthratio, clippingframe.Position.Y.Offset), "Out", "Linear", 0.1)

nice idea but i fixed it on my own way.

External Media

this is the new script and now its working fine. HP low the red bar is going down and if the hp is going from low to high again the hp bar is going higher.

Here is the script:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local hum
local currenthealth
if character then
    hum = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
    currenthealth = hum.Health
local clipper = script.Parent.Clipper
local bar = clipper.Bar
    if newhealth < currenthealth then
        currenthealth = newhealth
        local ratio = hum.Health / hum.MaxHealth
        clipper:TweenPosition(, clipper.Position.X.Offset, 0.5 + ratio, clipper.Position.Y.Offset), "In", "Linear", 0)
        bar:TweenPosition(, bar.Position.X.Offset, 0.5 - ratio, bar.Position.Y.Offset), "In", "Linear", 0)
    elseif newhealth > currenthealth then
        currenthealth = newhealth
        local ratio = hum.Health / hum.MaxHealth
        clipper:TweenPosition(, clipper.Position.X.Offset, 1.5 - ratio, clipper.Position.Y.Offset), "In", "Linear", 0)
        bar:TweenPosition(, bar.Position.X.Offset, -0.5 + ratio, bar.Position.Y.Offset), "In", "Linear", 0)

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