Problem with Rigging a Target board

I am trying to rig a target board, the bottom part is the Root Part and it connects to the pillar, which welds the rest of the parts in the board.


Here’s the structure.

However I ran into a problem where the Motor6D can not decide the Humanoid Root Part as the Root part, causing something like this to happen.

When I remove the weld from the pillar (welds that are highlighted on the picture above), it works completely fine and I don’t know what is the cause for this.

All parts are unanchored, any solutions to this? I am not experienced with Rigging yet.

I am not very experienced with it too, but this worked out for me: Rig

Hope this helps

All other parts have to unanchored except for the root part, I’ve come across this before. And if you don’t want the root to be anchored, it has to be welded to a part which is anchored.