Problems with Chat Colors & Tags

So, I’m currently making a game and for a monetization idea, I came up with custom over-head rainbow rank tags & custom in-chat rainbow tags.

Thing is, our specialized tags are overriding the rainbow chat tags script we have. What I mean by this is we’re using a module that gives us tags like these: image

Now, that’s all fine and good. But, we’re trying to make THAT work with our custom rainbow chat tags. Every time a player chats, there chat color changes. Here’s an example:

It seems as though the custom chat tags like [Scripter] are overriding the rainbow message color. I know why it’s doing this, it’s because the [Scripter] has a custom color and so does the message, but when I try to implement rainbow colors into the chat tags script for the message it doesn’t wanna work.

Help’s appreciated. Thanks!

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What do you mean by this? In what way does this approach not want to work?

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It gives me an error and says that to use Color3.fromHSV I need more arguments or something alike. Here’s some code we use for the Rainbows feature.

	local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(speakerName)
		if player and findValueInTable(rainbowChatPlayers, player.UserId) then
			rainbowModulus = (rainbowModulus + .15)%1
			messageObj.ExtraData.ChatColor = Color3.fromHSV(rainbowModulus,.8,1)
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What is rainbowModulus initially set to?

Ignore this next part. There is a minimum character length for replies, and my question was apparently not long enough.

You use rainbowModulus to set rainbowModulus. But what is it before you set it?

Not sure what you mean? Heres a pic of what our code looks like.


He’s asking what the variable rainbowModulus is defined as before it’s overwritten. According to your screen shot, it’s define to 0 before being overwritten to what it is later being redefined to. A little heads up for future reference. : p


ohhh, I never even paid attention to that!!! thank you

ignore the new system for response is a bit annoying so i have to do this

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