So, I’m currently making a game and for a monetization idea, I came up with custom over-head rainbow rank tags & custom in-chat rainbow tags.
Thing is, our specialized tags are overriding the rainbow chat tags script we have. What I mean by this is we’re using a module that gives us tags like these:
Now, that’s all fine and good. But, we’re trying to make THAT work with our custom rainbow chat tags. Every time a player chats, there chat color changes. Here’s an example:
It seems as though the custom chat tags like [Scripter] are overriding the rainbow message color. I know why it’s doing this, it’s because the [Scripter] has a custom color and so does the message, but when I try to implement rainbow colors into the chat tags script for the message it doesn’t wanna work.
It gives me an error and says that to use Color3.fromHSV I need more arguments or something alike. Here’s some code we use for the Rainbows feature.
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(speakerName)
if player and findValueInTable(rainbowChatPlayers, player.UserId) then
rainbowModulus = (rainbowModulus + .15)%1
messageObj.ExtraData.ChatColor = Color3.fromHSV(rainbowModulus,.8,1)
He’s asking what the variable rainbowModulus is defined as before it’s overwritten. According to your screen shot, it’s define to 0 before being overwritten to what it is later being redefined to. A little heads up for future reference. : p