ProfileService Problem

My friend and I joined a server in my game, and then when he left and rejoined, his profile could not load again. I’m using profile service for the data in my game. (It’s the same server.). Here’s the error.

I would appreciate some help!

Been also facing this issue, no solution yet. Anyone else ?

Make sure to cache the Profile somewhere whenever it’s loaded, your issue is that you’re never releasing the Profile (Profile:Release())


    local Profile = Cache[Player]

the official ProfileService docs have a full example if you want to go check that out

I am already doing this.

	local profile =  Manager.Profiles[Player]
	if not profile then return end

Just realized, its :Release not .Release.

I keep making this mistake, when calling a method I do “.” not “:” -_-

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You’ve gotta make sure you’re using a : instead of a .

using a : when calling a function will automatically parse the table / class that’s calling the function as the first argument

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Yes, thanks a lot for the help!

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