Projectile Collides while it's CanCollide is false

The reason why I opted to disconnect the heartbeat loop is because you’ll have a memory leak if you don’t disconnect a connection when it’s no longer required

After the projectile is destroyed, the heartbeat loop no longer needs to run, which is why I’m disconnecting it whenever I’m destroying the projectile

oh, okay this dang character limit on god it sucks

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I’m using a BodyVelocity, but it is deprecated

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Coincidentally I was in the process of rewriting the script, and this version uses LinearVelocity instead of BodyVelocity, and also uses threads so there’s no longer a need to worry about disconnecting connections:

local projectile = {}

local data = {
	Cannonball = {
		Model = projectilesFolder.Cannonball;
		Damage = 1000;
		Size =, 2, 2);
	Musketball = {
		Model = projectilesFolder.Musketball;
		Damage = 150;
		Size =, 0.144, 0.144);
	GatlingBullet = {
		Model = projectilesFolder.GatlingBullet;
		Damage = 25;
		Size =, 0.115, 0.205);
	NavyBullet = {
		Model = projectilesFolder.GatlingBullet;
		Damage = 15;
		Size =, 0.115, 0.205);

local function handleProjectile(projectile: BasePart, originalPosition: Vector3, ignoreList: SharedTable, damage: number, cash: IntValue)
	local overlapParams =
	overlapParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = ignoreList
	overlapParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude

	while (projectile.Position - originalPosition).Magnitude < 300 do -- Change 300 to the maximum distance the projectile can travel
		local part = workspace:GetPartsInPart(projectile, overlapParams)[1]

		if part then
			local model = part:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model")

			if model then
				local humanoid = model:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

				if humanoid then
					part.Color =, 0, 0)
					cash.Value += 15

			break -- If the projectile hits a part, exit out of the loop so the projectile can be destroyed


end = function(plr: Player, lookVector: Vector3, projectileName: string, position: Vector3, speed: number, spread: number, ignoreList: SharedTable)
	if not data[projectileName] then return end

	local projectile = data[projectileName].Model:Clone()
	projectile.Position = position
	projectile.Parent = workspace.Projectiles

	local attachment ="Attachment", projectile)

	local linearVelocity ="LinearVelocity") -- Replaces BodyVelocity
	linearVelocity.Attachment0 = attachment
	linearVelocity.ForceLimitsEnabled = false -- Use the maximum force required to reach the desired speed
	linearVelocity.VectorVelocity = lookVector * speed
	linearVelocity.Parent = projectile

	task.spawn(handleProjectile, projectile, position, ignoreList, data[projectileName].Damage, plr.leaderstats.Cash)

return projectile
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That is the solution, i just have to work on the collision detection, but I can do that later

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It’s getting quite late for me as well, so unfortunately I won’t be able to continue helping you until tomorrow

Hopefully until then, someone else manages to get to the bottom of these issues so that you can continue to work on your project :grin:

alright thanks, gtg This text will be blurred

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