Proper usage of Characters from Roblox games/Communities


I already read this article and it does not pertain to my question.

I’m making a combat game where players can select certain characters and personalities from various roblox games/communities and play as them (think of SSBU). I do intend to monetize some of these characters, and I don’t want to run into any IP/stealing issues down the road.

I do intend to give full reference and credit to the game that the character was derived from.

As a flea-sized developer, it will be very difficult for me to contact the larger devs and ask for their express permission to use characters from their game, so my intents above will probably be the farthest I can go.

Should I continue to take the route that I’m going? Is there a better way to go about this?

Even though it seems that Roblox doesn’t care if someone copies assets, names or even entire games. Though I highly recommend that you contact the developers, get their permission and you may have to negotiate if they get something in return (e.g. A percentage of the game’s profits, real life currency payment for the rights, etc.)

Stealing/plagiarising peoples work can really be harming to your reputation if you don’t give get their permission or atleast give them credit.