ProximityPrompt Group Rank Barrier

So I’ve been trying to create a boom barrier that is only restricted to certain group ranks however I am unsure how to approach this, I have gotten the backbone of the script which functions the barrier however not the actual part where it states group ranks.
This is what I have got so far.

local model = script.Parent
local Centre = script.Parent.PrimaryPart
function move()
	if model.Open.Value == false and model.Moving.Value == false then
		model.Open.Value = true
		model.Moving.Value = true
		for i = 1,70 do
			model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Centre.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(1), 0, 0))
		model.Moving.Value = false
	elseif model.Open.Value == true and model.Moving.Value == false then
		model.Moving.Value = true
		for i = 1,70 do
		model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Centre.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-1), 0, 0))
		model.Open.Value = false
		model.Moving.Value = false

function trigger(m) 
  model.Trigger.Value = true
  model.Trigger.Value = false


Here is a video of the current script in action

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You can try using GetRankInGroup or GetRoleInGroup to determine which rank/role is allowed to interact with the barrier.

How would I got about saying to cancel the trigger of the barrier though? Cause the barrier would still go up?

How did you implement the group restrictions? It should work depending on their ranks.

For example:

local groupid = ... --Your group id

if Player:GetRankInGroup(groupid) == x then --where x is your rank number
	--Play the tween here
	print("Cannot open barrier")

But if that does not work. Then one solution I can think of is that you can set up extra measures to determine whether the player has a certain Value checked.

For example:

local groupid = ... --Your group id

	local isACertainRank ="BoolValue")
	isACertainRank.Parent = Player
	isACertainRank.Name = "RankName"

	if Player:GetRankInGroup(groupid) == x then --Where x is your rank number
		isACertainRank.Value = true

Then have your prompt detect whether the player has this bool checked or not. If it’s checked, play the tween, if not, do nothing.

If you’re talking about cancelling the tween mid-way after it’s been interacted. Then maybe you can store the CFrame values of the barrier (both initial and final) in a table and referencing it from there. I don’t work too much on CFrame as I mostly use TweenService to do my tweening.

I’ve tried something along the lines of this, however it still doesn’t seem to work.

	if Player:GetRankInGroup(10051621) == 255 then
		model.Open.Value == true and model.Moving.Value == true
	else model.Open.Value == false and model.Moving.Value == false

I’ve also tried something like this, at this point I am very confuzzled.


if game.players:GetRankInGroup(10051621) == 255 then
print("Could not open gate")

I assume you mean the barrier will not tween, the GetRankInGroup is not registering the player, or both.

In that case, did you set up your proximity prompt correctly? I’d imagine that it’s the proximity prompt that’s the issue.

Here’s an example explaining your issue:


local PPS = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService")

	-- In case your want to use the player's character/humanoid
	local Character = Player.Character
	local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	-- Because a specific prompt is triggered
	-- path to your model, and detect whether it's the correct barrier
	-- you can wrap this into a pcall function to avoid breaking your script
	if Prompt.Parent.Parent.Name == "RestrictedBarrier" then

		-- After it detects the correct barrier, reference the model and its values
		local Barrier = Prompt.Parent.Parent
		local Moving = Barrier.Moving
		local Open = Barrier.Open
		-- From here, detect whether the player is in a certain rank to open the barrier
		if Player:GetRankInGroup(10051621) == 255 then
			if not Moving.Value and not Open.Value then
				Moving.Value = true
				Open.Value = true
				-- Tween your parts to open here
				-- and after your tween, change the Moving.Value back to false
				Moving.Value = false
			elseif not Moving.Value and Open.Value then
				Moving.Value = true
				Open.Value = false
				-- Tween your parts to close here
				-- and after your tween, change the Moving.Value back to false
				Moving.Value = false
			print("Lacking permission")
			-- If the player does not have the permission to open the barrier
			-- then do whatever you want to them here
			-- (e.g.: Teleport them a certian distance away from the barrier)

This has solved the issue, cheers for the help.

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