Hello! I am trying to make public matchmaking in my game for competitive servers how would I do this? across multiple servers
Do you have any previous attempts to show us?
no im completely new to public matching making. just a not i dont think i said on the main post that its for cross server
Use MessagingService To Search For Players
And Use ReserveServer For ( The Reserve Server )
And Use TeleportToPrivateServer To Teleport The Players
I think that’s all
Oh my ill tell you if i need any help this helps alot!
I hope to build a better community…
same my friend just a quick question ive already looked at messaging service and i dont know how it works can you give a example?
Do you need help with messaging service?
Plase mark this comment as solution!
and send me message in private
I forgot to put it as solution what do you mean by send me message in private?
Click on my avater then click send message