Publishing to Roblox to: Switching Between My Games to Group Games Thumbnail Display Glitch

  1. I click File → Publish to Roblox to (AKA Alt Shift P)
  2. I switch to another group of games once the UI is loaded

Example, from “My Games” to “Virtual Valley Games”

  1. The game thumbnails are expected to change, but they do not change

Note: Publishing itself is not affected by this, it seems to be a visual bug

The bug is currently able to be worked around by closing the prompt while on the group you want to publish to, then re prompting the publish to UI.


I am also getting this bug


Thanks for the report! We’re looking into it

Edit: We turned off the scrolling to fix this issue for now. It will return soon


This issue should now be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.

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