Question on a Luck System

I’m making a small rng system, and I have a few questions on making a system that gives u better rng if u have better luck (numberValue).

  1. What should the luck formula be? Current Formula: ‘random:NextInteger(1, math.round(StatsFolder:FindFirstChild(statName).Value / player.leaderstats[“Luck Value”].Value))’
  2. If the player’s luck is at 2, if an rng item is at 1/2 chance, would it make that item guaranteed?
  3. What if the player’s luck is above the rarest item’s chance, would it break the game?

The way you have it set up is fine, :NextInteger has checks in place to be sure min and max don’t get mixed up.

--// Rarity is 1 in every X rolls.
--// Playerluck is Player has X times as much luck then normal.

function RNGCheck(PlayerLuck, Rarity)
    local Roll = random:NextInteger(1, math.round(Rarity/PlayerLuck)) -- Picks a random number
    if Roll <= 1 then
        return true -- Player wins!
        return false -- Player loses!

If a rng item has a rarity of 2 (1/2), and the player luck is 2 then yes it’s guaranteed.

This function will not be a reason for an error to occur unless you don’t pass in proper PlayerLuck or Rarity.

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But, what if we dont want it to be guaranteed?
That would make the gameplay loop dumb.

Current Script:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local StatsFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Stats")
local EventsFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events")

local activateRoll = EventsFolder:WaitForChild("ActivateRoll")
local messages = EventsFolder:WaitForChild("Messages")

local totalStats = StatsFolder:GetChildren()

local random =

local function RNGCheck(PlayerLuck, Rarity)
	local Roll = random:NextInteger(1, math.round(Rarity/PlayerLuck)) -- Picks a random number

	if Roll <= 1 then
		return true -- Player wins!
		return false -- Player loses!
local function getRandomRarity(player)

	for i = 1, #totalStats do
		if RNGCheck(player.leaderstats["Luck Value"].Value, totalStats[i]) then
			if StatsFolder[totalStats[i].Name].Value > 500 then
				messages:FireAllClients(player.Name .. " has gotten " .. totalStats[i].Name .. "! (1/" .. StatsFolder[totalStats[i].Name].Value .. ")", StatsFolder[totalStats[i].Name].Color.Value)
			return totalStats[i]
	return StatsFolder["Common"]

activateRoll.OnServerInvoke = function(player)
	local t = {}
	for i=1, workspace.GameInfo.RollAmount.Value - 1 do
		table.insert(t, totalStats[math.random(#totalStats)])
	table.insert(t, getRandomRarity(player))
	return t

Game to Test: