Questions about Clothing

I know this topic has been covered numerous times, but every post I can find is older and I was wondering if there may be some new information.

Any clothing designer on Roblox knows that their clothes are going to be copied, it’s an unfortunate truth, which makes it all the more unbelievable that nothing much has been done to even attempt to solve the problem.

So the question is this: Is there anything that clothing designers can do to protect their assets from being stolen, or to pursue getting stolen assets deleted?


At the moment there isn’t that I am aware of. Roblox has gotten better over the years with preventing clothing from being stolen, but the issue still has not been fixed entirely.

The only thing I could recommend, is adding a signature symbol or username in the title name, so that people could know it’s not from a copied spam group. I don’t buy clothing from spam groups, and always look for the original designer- that is one way I’ve found them.

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No, I don’t think there is anything that designers can do to protect their assets.

For me, It’s hard to try and find the original designer/creator of the shirt, as if I look up the
word “meme” I get

oops didn’t mean to reply to bluvelv


I try to just buy clothing from a few groups I know instead of just searching the catalog, especially considering that the catalog’s search is all but broken anyway.