Questions about the algorithm and getting a game noticed

Hi there, I just have some questions regarding marketing for new Roblox games and the algorithm itself. I recently released a game with a friend, and we started a sponsorship for 33 ad credits for the first day and plan to spend more over the next few days. We are currently averaging between 10 to 30 concurrent players, and I don’t think it has dropped to zero since the sponsorship started. However, I know that once the sponsorship ends, we will likely lose all our players. What does it take for the algorithm to notice my game, and how will I know when this has happened? My goal is to sustain a certain number of concurrent players so I don’t have to constantly sponsor the game, which is something everyone would want to achieve. If you have any experience with this, specifically with the new Ads Manager and using USD-based payments, how much should I be spending to see results? What are some key stats and analytics I should be looking at? Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated, as I am not very familiar with it.

I hope to hear some responses! Thank you everyone.

This should answer some of your questions

This is pretty useful in terms of what stats to be looking for, but does anybody on here have personal experience with this type of thing and actually achieving a sustainable game without Advertisments? How much money do I need to spend on sponsoring my game for to have a chance? That is my main thing here, is it a waste throwing 100USD Into an ad? I really don’t know.

Is anyone able to provide insight? Still in the same situation.

I can’t really say much from experience since I started take making games seriously very recently, but some well known facts are that the algorithm takes 10-20 days to start pushing a game, and only does so if said game has a good metrics(Playtime, day retention, CTR, monetization…)
So make sure to distribute your funds slowly.

Thank you for this. What should be aiming for in terms of benchmarks? We have like 93rd for session length and in the 60-80 range for everything else except for qualified play through rate. Are these numbers good enough yo get that initial push? We average 30ccu from ads and d1 retention and no algo pushes.

Well it depends on how long it has been getting those metrics, as long as they’re good, focus on keep getting them for at least 10-20 days.
Determining which benchmarks are good and which ones are bad is pretty hard, obviously the higher the better, but sometimes the algorithm does weird things.
If your uncertain if your metrics are good or bad, remember that the algorithm is trying to follow the users, so if users are spending a bunch of time in your game and they’re enjoying it, you can ignore other benchmarks.