R15 fade trap scripting help

Hello, I am new at scripting, and I decided to take the devhub course on a fading trap. However, I realized that with r15, players could spam jump across without triggering the response. To fix this, I removed the CanCollide from the script, set the CanCollide to false, and inserted an invisible part underneath. My idea was to make the invisible part’s CanCollide false when the fading part’s transparency equalled 1. I have already figured out a working script, but it only fired when the fading part was touched, which created some minor issues. I then did the following script:

local fadePart = script.Parent.Parent.fadePlatform
local fallPart = script.Parent

while true do
	if fadePart.Transparency == 1 then
		fallPart.CanCollide = false
		fallPart.CanCollide = true

However, it is not working. (The local variables are working, and local fadePart = script.Parent.Parent.fadePlatform works)
Is there an error in my code?
Here’s a screenshot of the part:

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You forgot to enter wait() in the while true do loop.

I would go back to this script, can you post the code and tell us what the issues were with it? Using Touched for a trap is definitely a better route to go than a while loop.

You’ll need to insert a wait inside the loop.

Thank you everyone for your responses and help! I ended up solving this by combining the script of the invisible part with the script of the fading part:

local platform = script.Parent
local fallPlatform = script.Parent.Parent.notfade

local isTouched = false

local function fade()
	if not isTouched then
		isTouched = true
		for count = 1, 10 do
			platform.Transparency = count / 10
		fallPlatform.CanCollide = false
		fallPlatform.CanCollide = true
		platform.Transparency = 0
		isTouched = false
