Here, you may check out our restrictions and restrictions!1
As a guest, please be kind
No exploiting
No Trolling
No Hacking
Please be above the age of 8 uppon your visit as a GUEST
Follow the TOS
You must not be rude
To get a job, be 10+, please
Management will be under 20 as we want our community to be an age safe place
(remeber, thyese rules are for audience members!)
How We Keep Our Community Safe
Hear at The Rainbow Thetre, we want our community to be as safe as we can, so to keep it this way, we have some restrictions:
Our staff will be a sutible age for our group, please dont bully them for their age.
Uppon your visit, please be at least 8+, we rate this game this due to our shows and to keep this community safe.
We ban Exploiters and kick trollers; these are nott allowen here!
We try to keep our shows as good as possible!
Remember, any staff has the right to kick or ban you, should they need to! They can call an admin to the servers with our staff admin call buttons located arround the map!
This wass accepted and read by
the Leadership & Executive team.
Last updated 10/9/21!