Please note: I cannot reproduce this bug. It happens by random and very rarely. Although it started happening very recently. Assuming it’s caused by new patch.
I’ve been getting random deaths occurring to me and from other players where people just randomly die. They didn’t reset either and there was nothing in the game that could kill them. I’ve have it happen to me where I’d just be walking and I died from nothing. The games I’ve played are using R6 robloxians. One person died from falling from heights even though there was nothing in the game that could kill them. Another person died from just walking too. My experience happened when I was just walking too.
From speculation I feel like the new update is somehow breaking player’s joints somehow.
I’ve asked other people for confirmation and that they’ve been getting it for R15 games. Where they would have players spawn in and die.
As stated on the top, I have no way of reproducing it and this was from a course of 3 hours of gameplay and I’ve only had to bug occur to me once. It is that rare.
I’m assuming this bug has something to do with the new update roblox had.
It’s game breaking for my games.
The R15 re-spawn death bug is a known bug that we have been looking into. It seems to be replication related somehow. It can be reproduced more easily on games with a lot of players and other network activity. A few changes have been shipped recently in an attempt to fix it, but it seems to still occur.
I have not heard of anything like this happening with R6. Do you have any additional info such as what game this has happened on?
The game I’m getting at is in my game. One has FE enabled and the other is a universe of the FE enabled game but that universe game does not have FE enabled.
It’s happening in both. Both games do not have streamingenabled. They’re both off by default.
The character resets very randomly. And even when I click something outside of the window of Roblox studio it just resets the character. Also this is 4 years and I have the same issues…