Random Stock Price

Hey everyone,

I started working on a game Called ‘Stock Buy & Sell’

In the game:
You have cash You buy stocks and then sell them for profit

the game Is still in progress and I’m working on it daily

when the price goes under 0 it’s turns red

Any Idea for improvement would be appreciated!

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Hmm. I would say how about you can sell your stocks and buy others stocks? (I’m thinking it’s already planned but just in case)

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Nice idea, I didn’t thought about it

Always happy to help fellow developers.

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It shouldn’t be 100% random. I would implement some randomness but very important observations you can make about stock prices is that the more people buy it at a given moment the faster the price increases but not infinitely. To some point which I think is the moment when people are no more confident about the increase and think that now the price will drop. The more people sell at a lower price to get rid of their stocks the faster the price drops.

I suggest to implement at least a little bit of such intuitive logic and your stock prices will look more authentic.

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Also I would make a graph of the stock price to see how it changed over time.

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Sorry to disappoint you, but there is already a game that is a stock market simulator

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