Rating a build of mine. Should I sell it?

Hi there! I made a recent build and was wondering if you guys can rate my build. :smiley:

Also, if it meets your standards, please tell me if I should sell it.
(Sorry if I put it in the wrong category, I’m this started this.)


(Please note it is only the interior I didn’t do.)

This looks amazing, you should focus on certain concepts, such as shops, pet shops, small low poly maps etc. I would love to purchase those if you are to make them.


Thanks! I am thinking what I should make this.

I’d give you more in-depth feedback if we had a link to the build or more pictures that you could show us but here’s what it looks like to me based on what I can see.

It’s unfinished. It doesn’t seem like there are side walls and a roof so I wouldn’t be selling this til they had the missing pieces. The material doesn’t really fit the windows. You’re going for the realistic feels of the build and the glare is pretty cartoony. I’d suggest you either switched materials to smooth plastic or removed the glare.

Ah yes, I did not finish this build yet. And thank you for the recommendations! I will make sure to take list of what you said and put it in account. :smiley:

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Took out some of the texture,

Great build so far! But lowpoly styled glasses with highpoly styled build? I don’t think that match, maybe you can try changing it to normal or keep it that way.


People combine those two a lot and it’s very underrated. It’s fine how it is.

Nice build, maybe you can put a more unique design on the window since that one is pretty overused.


For me it looks a little bland, you could add more colors to it such as More variations of grey, some black also would be nice. The windows have a white thing (i see it as a reflection), it could have more rotations and other stuff, right now it just looks like you copy-pasted the same reflection and just shrunk it to the appropiate window size. Otherwise i would sell it, price of 500 robux.

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I think it’s a good starter design, but it does need touch-ups in certain areas and probably should be given an actual purpose before being sold. This is just a suggestion since I’ve been building since about 2012, please do not take offense over my comment.

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I think you should use a decal on the glass surface for that cartoony reflection effect so you can lower the part count even more
Looks good so far

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Oooh, Thats a great idea! Thanks. :smiley:

Made glass a decal, what do you think? :smiley:

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I’d suggest maybe have a bit more color diversity, but other than that, great build!

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Ah yes, still working on color. :smile:

has the same effect and looks better since the parts arent sticky out a bit

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I think it is a great template like a wireframe for future builds. I don’t think it is a building to be sold as it is.

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Ah, yes. I agree in all parts, This trying to find out how I can help the build to be better.

I love how the build looks as of now, the low-poly art style is nice but there are some improvements you could use to make it better,

I think the shine on the windows is a nice touch and gives it a cartoony feel if that’s what you were going for and I like that the building has depth to it, different layers and whatnot, however, I do think it could use a little more color and/or material variation, you could add other details such as a sign to show what purpose the building has just to make it look unique and stand out.

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