I’ve tried commenting out ignorelist- it is not the cause. This has been a major issue for 3 days now and it makes me want to smash my monitor.
Snippet of code that handles raycast:
local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {game.Workspace.Trash,plr.Character}
-- Point is the tip of the gun position, and mouse is Mouse.Hit.p
local ray = Ray.new(point,(mouse - point).Unit*1000)
local rayresult = workspace:Raycast(point,(mouse - point),raycastParams)
Any help is really appreciated… Multiple people have tried but then suddenly stopped responding.
Oops; meant to remove that. That fixes all my guns except the Garand. It appears to fire from under the map, I can’t put my finger on the cause. The point is directly from the tip of the gun; and the part is in the correct position.
this is definitely a tougher issue since that seems like it would work just fine. Is the firePart welded to the gun properly? Check in game by clicking in the explorer on the firePart and see where it is with the move tool (CTRL+2)