I have never understood what Ray.Unit means, the definition on the wiki says its “The Ray with a normalized direction”.
I have been using Rays a lot lately and knowing this could help expand my knowledge.
Any help is appreciated.
I have never understood what Ray.Unit means, the definition on the wiki says its “The Ray with a normalized direction”.
I have been using Rays a lot lately and knowing this could help expand my knowledge.
Any help is appreciated.
It probably converts the Ray’s direction into a unit vector. Didn’t test this tho
is a normalized vector of the ray’s direction. Normalized vectors have only a length of 1. Which makes sense, let’s take this example:
local point1 = Vector3.new(25, 25, 25) --//Two random positions
local point2 = Vector3.new(50, 50, 50)
local direction = (point1 - point2).Unit
local extended_direction = direction * 50 --//The more we multiply it; the longer the vector will become.
Same issue here, what exactly does it do? How does it normalize a vector of the ray’s direction? I’m a little confused.
A unit vector always has a length of 1. Vector3’s have a Unit
property which is a unit vector which represents the normalized version of the vector, and has a length of 1.
Understood it, can it be used on vector3’s only?
Unit is a property of the Vector3 data type, so generally yes.
If you multiply unit vector with, say 24. Will it’s length be 24 as well?
Yeah you will get a new unit vector with length 24
Is it more accurate? If so, is there any article regarding it’s uses? All I know is that it is a property of vector 3 and is a normalized vector.
Not sure what’s it’s exactly use is for…
Unit vectors are needed in linear algebra.
Example uses: