Rebirth System In Zed's Tycoon Kit

I am using Zed’s Tycoon Kit and want to make a rebirth system. I have searched, and can’t find any good rebirth systems. Does anyone know of a working rebirth system I can use? Thanks.

when you rebirth do you want to add a stat multiplier or somthing?

You can program it :wink:
By hiring on
Or you can @Zed to help you fix it

I want it to add a rebirth currency which can be used to buy other items in the tycoon.

when you press the rebirth button, it should call a Remote Function or Remote Event that checks if the player has lvl 100 or whatever, then it’ll reset the players base or whatever you want to do and add to the players rebirth currency, all this will be done on the server so you shouldn’t have to worry it resetting or anything

Contacting @Zed would be a waste of time as he hasn’t been active since 2017. + He is terminated on roblox.