Region3 script not working right due to orientation [SOLVED]

I have a script that constantly checks the region around a player and sets the velocity of any non-zero velocity parts at a velocity of zero. While it works definitely a bit, it does not detect the parts accurately enough, with moving parts able to keep going at their velocity when they are supposed to be stopped. I am asking how I can fix that provided with what I have as scripted as the problem is how Region3 isn’t detecting parts commonly even when parts are in it. The parts I tested have a velocity of 100 but I do want my script to work for any high speed objects.

    local hrp = humanoid.RootPart
	loop = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
        local vector1 = (hrp.CFrame *, -8, -8)):PointToWorldSpace()
		local vector2 = (hrp.CFrame *, 8, 8)):PointToWorldSpace()
		local region3value =, vector2)
		local region3find = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(region3value)
		for _, v in pairs(region3find) do
				if v.Anchored ~= true and (v.Velocity).Magnitude > 0 and v.Parent ~= hrp.Parent then
					if v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Parent ~= workspace then
						v = v.Parent.Humanoid.RootPart
					v.Velocity =, 0, 0)

Solution has been posted. In this script, the player’s orientation influences the Region3 script’s ability to find parts in a constant unorientated box registering parts in Region3 which is the cause of the problem due to using CFrame.


Due to CFrame being affected by orientation, the Region3 positions are like the corners of an orientated box. To get the effect of a constantly unorientated box to say that is unaffected by orientation of the character, you have to use Position instead. Both vector values will use a constant vector (8, 8, 8) and to get their negative counterpart you minus the position by that constant vector and vice versa.

local vector1 = (hrp.Position -, 8, 8))
local vector2 = (hrp.Position +, 8, 8))