Remaking the Suggestions and Ideas forum

I can name countless users on Roblox who can agree on this:

Most Roblox updates are in favor of RBXDev developers. And while this is good, I see so many wonderful suggestions on the Suggestions and Ideas forum. And though I also see tons of silly ones that will never end up a possibility, that end up getting tons of support since they don’t know why the suggestion is implausible, the Suggestions and Ideas forum has become a junkyard, full of priceless suggestions lost in the pile of spam.

Anyone remember ?

Yes, some can agree, tons of unusable, and highly implausible suggestions made their way up to the top. However, other things that did make their way to the top included Water Bricks, Gui Rotation, Outfits, Audio Uploading, Data Persistence, heck, even The Trade System made its way to the top and completion. 113 Ideas have been marked “Completed”.

And those are only ideas that have been completed. There were tons of precious ideas that had an Under Review, Planned or even Started tag, which were nice interactive admin responses. If the suggestion arose to the top page that was implausible, Becky would put a Declined tag on it, along with a nice admin response on why she declined it.

Tons of these suggestions were interactive with the Roblox admins, and more and more of them came up. And though Brad Justus promised us, after uservoice was gone, that the popular ideas would be looked at, most recent updates have either not been user-suggested, and they have been lost in the chaos of implausilbe ideas in S&I

Now, I’m sorry that those last paragraphs were link-heavy, but it’s about to get image-heavy.

Anyways, I would want something along the lines of this:

An upvote/downvote system on S&I threads specifically, which will determine how much users are supporting it.

Then, re-organize S&I to show popular threads first by default, as well as a “New” tab, to sort by newest threads, as well as a “Hot” tab that will sort by newer threads that have acquired tons of upvotes really fast, this way people can see some of the more popular, and new at the same time.

And when a suggestion, such as “Remove all hax” gets tons of upvotes, what do the mods do? They place a “Declined” tag, with an explanation on why Roblox can’t simply “Remove all hax”, then lock the thread.

And finally, if there are 10 suggestions saying the same thing that make it to the front page of popular, use a “Duplicate” tag, with a link to the original suggestion.

There is so little moderator and community involvement on the Suggestions and Ideas forum. It’s even more ridiculous that there are massive threads which have never received any replies, (OR, if it has, I can’t see it, it’s lost in the pages, and nobody knows about it.)

As much as I know RBXDev users suggest good usable suggestions, I strongly believe the average Roblox community sees more. I don’t mind that we get a better chance at being listened to. I am, however, against the reality that nobody outside of RBXDev gets a good chance of being heard.

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Also, I do want to credit this thread for making a wonderful point on how Roblox is not “Kid friendly” only because it’s complicated and confusing to use, and that average Roblox users are never informed when random but big updates, ie. PlayerMouse.Icon support.

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