Remote event invocation queue exhausted

I am currently doing a pet system, and I am running a remote event inside a RenderStepped event in this LocalScript;

    game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("PetAngle"):FireServer(true, script.Parent.Parent.Character.Pet1, script.Parent.Parent.Character)

But unfortunately, I keep getting this error;

Listener (Server Script):

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("EquipPet").OnServerEvent:Connect(function(p, req, pettype, plr)
	if req then
		plr[pettype].CFrame = plr[pettype].CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,.05, 0)

I know, topics like these exist. But they do not help me in any way.

This happens when you fire a remote event too many times at once, you’re putting it in a renderstepped event which isn’t a good idea.

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To solve your issue, I’d recommend using a bodygyro/bodyposition

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I will try. Thank you!

oh my god chat limit

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