RemoteEvent totally not firing

Hey There, I’ve had an issue in something that was working normally but for some reasons now it doesn’t work?
I wanted to get assistance on it if its actually someone because of my script?
I had a localscript inside a UI and I was simulating the press E to do something.
However, when I fired the RemoteEvent the OnServerEvent script had no sign of life…?

Local Script

for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Buses:GetChildren()) do 
     local mag = (v.Bus.Position-game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude 
     if mag <= 10 then 
          if not floxysmart then
               floxysmart = true
               repeat script.Parent.Black.BackgroundTransparency = script.Parent.Black.BackgroundTransparency - 0.1
               until script.Parent.Black.BackgroundTransparency <= 0
               v.EnterBus:FireServer() -- Firing the RemoteEvent
               floxysmart = false


local EnterBus = script.Parent.EnterBus
local LeaveBus = script.Parent.LeaveBus
local seats = {
	seat1 = false,
	seat2 = false,
	seat3 = false,
	seat4 = false,
	seat5 = false,
	seat6 = false,
	seat7 = false,
	seat8 = false,
	seat9 = false,
	seat10 = false,
	seat11 = false,
	seat12 = false

	local Rand = math.random(1,12)
	local seat = "Seat"..Rand
	local value = seats[seat]

The local script prints everything, however the server script prints nothing. Is it something from my side?

Hey, allow me to ask you some basic questions first.

  1. Where have you put the local script?
  2. Could you please post the entire scripts? It seems like they were cut halfway :slight_smile:
  3. Additionally, have you tried to use print for every step? Print is awesome for debugging, and you should use it all the way until you have found the culprit.

Coolio! Let me know if you still struggle. :ok_hand:

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