Requirements to become a member & regular

I’m Metamorphist! I try to Guide people and inspire them at the same time! I am also trying
to become a Developer! My part time job is

Everyday i see questions for newcomers like
“How do i become a member?”
“How long will this take?”
“I’m a member how do i become a regular?”

requirements to become a member
To become a member you need to
Read 1500 replys, 150 posts, and exceed to use the forum for over 3 hours, READ rules after you become a member.

requirements to become a regular
To become a regular you need
Many likes on your posts, to obey all rules, be active, post alot, and post bugs and suggestions!
(NOTICE: a regular has higher expectations then a member)

It usually takes 3-6 hours to become a member
To become a regular it matters by how much your growing and posting.

READ the rules before you start posting and replying, and dont abuse your power as a member or regular, if so a staff member
would have the right to ban you after have 3 strikes unless they proceed to skip the strikes and give you a immediate ban.


I think we no longer need a thread like this, I don’t find this very useful, as it was already posted here

I would also like to note, this is one of the most frequently asked questions in the Developer Forum, and because of this, the Developer Engagement Team already made a thread concerning this issue, to help avoid posting questions that are posted again and again in #forum-feedback


Alright, i just posted it from complete boredom

You should not post random posts just because of boredom, it’s really not recommendable as this is just making more spams of previous topics.

I posted it for other reasons too, i just wanted to spread the word and see if it helps.

It wass the only thing that came to my mmind when i got bored, because right now im working on other posts that are the last things i can think of but im thinking of more.

Sorry, but this type of simple posting, is just spamming more topics in the #forum-feedback category, this is not at all helpful, as there are already topics made about this certain issue.

If your also bored, might I suggest you try to give feedback on other people’s creations through the #help-and-feedback category, if you feel bored and don’t know what to do in the Developer Forum, or if you you found a bug, maybe report it at #platform-feedback

This is completely misleading and really irrelevant, as becoming a regular, dosen’t require a person to have so much likes on a topic or posts.

The requirements are listed here.