Response to Magus_ArtStudios

this was going to be a response to a post made by Magus_ArtStudios, claiming i was a scammer, but the thread got locked immediately for unauthorized distribution of my game, here’s the response:

hey, so sorry you feel “scammed”, i understand the frustration of when you don’t feel like something is fair, i’d love to give some context to the viewers of this but also my side of the story:

the agreement was that you’d fix any and everything which didn’t work with streamingenabled on, you were aware of this which is why i asked you to confirm that this was a suitable and fair agreement on your end

to give some context to the readers on what caused the uneventful things to happen, i kept reporting an issue on how the “GamepassPlatform”, which is a model that spawns next to the player at every checkpoint, was missing half of its’ model in world 2, which was improper work - this was not an issue in the original game, which can be verified by simply going in and playing it.

over time he gradually fixed issues which i was very happy about, and granted he is a really talented programmer

in the image seen above, there was an issue with the GamepassPlatform not showing both sides, where it should normally look like this:

this was not the first time reporting the issue, but this was what caused him getting mad at me despite just informing him about the issue. it should be kept in mind that i have zero access to his studio, i can’t, and fairly, review any material which he changes, and can only suggest fixes assuming it could help him, evidently as seen here for example:

it got to the point where he obviously got annoyed at me - telling me how it was my fault that the code, which he was commissioned to fix, did not work with a rather hammy attitude, where i suggested we stopped for today and would continue tomorrow

this is when he started threatening to open-source the game against my will, which i can see he has already done as i’m writing the message, this is definitely unfortunate so i have no other choice but to flag it for unauthorized distribution

it ends up in the sitation where i deicde to remove him, not block him - and then compensate 5000, due to the unfinished work, undelivered product and threats to distribute my game without permission (prior to him then proceeding to actually do it), those 5000 should not be mistaken for how annoying of a situation this has turned into, and i’m not condoning such behaviour.

i don’t really know what to say except i hoped this could’ve proceeded in a better way than it ended up as a result, and i do ask of you to remove all copies of my game on the developer forum alongside on roblox

thank you for your time, magus - praying that you eventually mature