Revert the new website font

Many people jump on the website change bad!!! bandwagon because these changes are almost never optional. If it was at least optional, i’d see it being adopted much more calmly over time, like R15.


AGREED! But I dont think reverting it would be a good idea, Instead I think there should be an option to change it back like the dark theme. Similar to how we can choose to use R15 or R6 in our games


The website should not have font options. That requires extra effort in keeping every font supported across every page.

Nobody should consciously want to change the website’s font often enough that it needs to be a setting. If that is the case, then clearly the font should be changed to something less distracting.


Yes, there are cons to the new font and Roblox should get to work addressing these problems with formatting and changing some fonts to better suit different parts of the website. All I’m saying is that some people are overreacting, because the change appeared out of nowhere!

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I disagree, the new font is quite nice in my opinion, I just believe that some font stylings shouldn’t belong in certain locations: the games tiles should have smaller font, as well as not being bold, and should be bold on the proper games page itself. Right now, the bold font overtakes everything, there should be a little bit of contrast to make things that should be bolded stand out.


Personally I’m surprised that they took this long. The Roblox 2.0 branding guidelines have existed since Nov 18 and contained all of these changes. I expect that it’s due to dark theme wanting to be brought with the new font.

Branding wise, it’s disconcerting to see missing info from that document which was on the now removed Roblox Studio branding guidelines.


The font itself looks fine and actually suits the modern theme of the website however I think there is too much bold and it’s emphasising more than just the main page headings. If a non bold version of the font could be used for things like the name of the games below the game icon, etc it would look better.


I like the font but I feel like we’re being punished for having game names longer than 1 word.

I could get used to the large boldness in the other places where it doesn’t cause information to be lost / confusion to potential players of our games.


I like the idea of the website having the signature font Roblox usually uses in other media and videos or whatever but I think this is a bit too much.


Does anybody know the name of this font family that Roblox uses now?

Page 10 of the Roblox 2.0 Branding Guidelines


Even a subtle change in font weight makes a difference, it’s less in your face.

(Links if it’s not loading


I also think it’s a bit too much with the new font, everything seems to be ‘bold’ like it’s screaming at you :grimacing:


Although I agree with this in theory, is it not necessary to address problems that can be unnecessarily annoying?

For example, his discussion of how the font affects Games is what is the serious problem here and needs to be discussed to be addressed- whether that means it is left or changed we don’t know. It is essential for us to have this conversation for the purpose of simply having a conversation.


Support. I find the new font to be too stylized, bold, and squashed. It’s fine for titles, but doesn’t look attractive at all for actual text on groups and such.

In the very least, there should be an option to switch between the two.


I don’t have much of an issue with the font itself. What I do have a problem with, however, is how it truncates text in some situations.
Of the 12 most recently updated items in the catalog, exactly 0 of them have their full names displayed. As far as I’m concerned, this is completely unacceptable. How am I supposed to sell items on the catalog when it’s so hard for users to see what my item is named?


I think I’m more curious what prompted the abrupt change in font rather than a notified change. Silent updates are fairly annoying because they don’t grant time to adjust or adapt, they’re just forced on the site.

Have the fonts even been tested on the site before being utilised? There’s obviously some subtle problems that don’t include “ree new update bad!!” - that’s including the truncation of certain texts because the font is fairly wide. It negates the purpose of using a lot of things.

I’ve got some stuff to offer up. Keep in mind I’m using two Roblox Chrome extensions, so they might not be representative of current site features.

Game notifications being truncated on PC makes you limit your text even more than just a mere 60 characters, meaning you have to be VERY concise with how you use notifications:

Game statistics have become smaller and fairly blurry:

Feels inconsistent (may just be me, but Home feels less bolded than the other tabs):

More inconsistency, where pages still use the old font:

Spacing issues:

My settings tab gets stretched because of my username changes:

My block list has now turned into a giant list rather than a two-column list (more just formatting than something directly related to the font update):

I don’t want to raise my pitchfork over the font change. Most of my time on Roblox is spent in-game, on Roblox Studio or the DevForum. A font change on the website might make me go “ok what is this” but it doesn’t bother me enough, nor do I care enough, for a simple font change to affect me. It’s like, whatever, it’s just a font. It’s simply the subtle issues that irk me (text truncation especially).


I don’t mind the font, but the size seems unreasonably large compared to not only what it was, but to what it should be.

It looks disproportionate to other website elements and the theme itself, like it is a 3rd party theme. It doesn’t look like something official.

Aside the fact that this update is overwhelmingly not popular visually, it seems to interfere with the functionality of game titles, game updates, and potentially other aspects of the website. A lot of where text space was already limited, is now even more limited. This should’ve been taken into account before the update was even rolled out.


I have a lot of trouble reading body text (and title text, but there’s more body text). It feels like the entire website is written in fullwidth with how wide the typeface is.

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According to the other replies on this thread, there have been constructive (and objective) critiques that have pointed out flaws with this update, which are issues aside just pure aesthetics.

There’s also a “Website change is good!!!” bandwagon, which doesn’t acknowledge what may potentially be wrong with an update. This update isn’t perfect, and that is precisely what platform feedback is for.